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Environmental, Social and Governance considerations are at the centre of how we operate both our business and our fund series.


True North is a carbon neutral business with an externally audited carbon footprint. All of our fund series also have an external carbon audit.


The nature of our operations means that we frequently engage with ecological situations, as well as wider stakeholder concerns, that require a sensitive management approach.  Our ongoing commitment to our ESG policy is therefore unequivocal.

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“Even a brick wants to be something. A brick wants to be something. It aspires. Even a common, ordinary brick... wants to be something more than it is. It wants to be something better than it is.”

​― Louis Kahn

To paraphrase Louis Kahn, even a tree aspires.  In this brave new world, we see the unique position trees and timber present in biodiversity net gain and carbon sequestration as well as the means to decarbonise the built environment.


Our bottom up, active management strategies are putting this aspiration into practice.


Design development of True North forests is Forestry Stewardship Council compliant, incorporating substantial habitat improvements including for vulnerable flora and fauna. We take our commitment to biodiversity net gain seriously and seek to maximise the opportunities our woodland creation projects afford us.

Red List Lyrurus Tetrix (Black Grouse), Stobo Estate managed by True North

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